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shiuly Website

World-class professional web developer

Since its beginnings at the end of the 20th century, the internet has grown exponentially. In the modern world, pretty much everyone has internet access of some form and a huge percentage of people use the internet every single day. Web development is quickly becoming one of the most attractive and best-paid career choices in the modern world. But what is a web developer and what exactly does one do?


Big Dream

Become World's No. 1 developer

I already learne the basic HTML and CSS.I can build any simple website.I can even teach my brother how to make simple website.my goal is to build a websites and learn advanced topics.

MY github


Full stack web developer

2022-Present| Web bussiness development

I am the master of HTML,CSS.I know everything needed to make a website function efficient. I didn't stop with the web.I want to learn javasript and programming related other thing.I will give you 100% web solution.

Entry web developer

2021-2022| Programming self Leaner

This time was learn and fun with programming staf.this a good start as a beginer .HTML and CSS is a foundamental of web programming